Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fossil Fuels And Renewable Energy - 1947 Words

From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy Corey Hnat ENC 1102 Professor Hardwick 14 September, 2014 Our society today thrives off of energy consumption in order to carry out daily activities. Since the second and third centuries people have been using fossil fuel for heat and energy. In the 1700s, the use for coal really took off when it was found out that it could be used as a source of energy to create the energy needed to drive locomotives. As each new invention that needed power came into existence since the 1700s, fossil fuels became the energy source that was chosen and because of this our society has become dependent on fossil fuels for energy (United States Department of Energy, 2013). Today fossil fuels are still in high demand.†¦show more content†¦The two main gasses released are carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are two of the many gasses that are known as greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gasses are any gas that restricts the flow of heat and sunrays from escaping Earth’s atmosphere. Since the start of the industrial revol ution, greenhouse gasses have been increasing drastically and have been causing an increase in the greenhouse gas effect. With the prevention of heat escaping Earth’s atmosphere, this can cause an increase in global surface temperatures. This can cause a change in our ocean levels, land structures, and the cleanliness of our air (Greenhouse Gases, 2014). Burning fossil fuels cannot only create the greenhouse gas effect but they can also create acid rain. Acid rain water contains either sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide when it falls and can have devastating effects on the environment. When the acid rain falls into any body of water it causes the water to become more acidic. This increase in acidity will cause any wildlife or plant life to be harmed. In areas with high acid rain levels, these plants and animals can be killed from the increase in the acidity (Air Quality Programs, 2014). Not only does acid rain affect plant life, water cleanliness and animal life but it can also be a cause of concern for human health too. Human health is a major concern in today’s society and preserving the lives of each person is

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